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Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic – Vertical Home Sunbed

Stand up Home Sunbed for Commercial & Home Applications

About the Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic Sunbed

The Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic sunbed is the next generation of Home Sunbeds. It holds a prominent position in the domestic sunbed market and boasts advanced tanning technology and efficiency. Because of  its sleek design, outstanding performance and easiness in transportation, handling and installation, the Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic is a great choice for unsurpassed tanning results.

Tansun 2m Sapphire Home Sunbed Power Options

No starters, no darkening of the tubes, long lamp life and light weight are characteristics that increase the demand for this unit. The unique 2m Sapphire Domestic sunbed can be plugged into your 2 x normal 13A plug sockets at no additional cost for electrics to be installed.

Tansun Sunbed for Home & Sunbed Home Hire

The Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic sunbed is ideal for those who want a hassle free long term rental income, as it is easy to install with one person delivery. You can also take advantage of our Business Startup service that enables you to start your own profitable Sunbed Home Hire Business. We are here to offer advice on how to set up your business and supply you with reliable tanning units.  For more information visit the Home Hire Sunbeds Business page on our website.

Tansun Domestic Sunbed for Commercial Rental

The Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic sunbed is also available for commercial rental. Call for further details and prices on  0121 580 6200

Learn more about the Tansun 2m Sapphire sunbed’s specifications and features:

  • 24 x 180W
  • 0.3 compliant tubes
  • Full Body Sunbed Tubes
  • Overall Power: 4.5kW
  • Operating Current: 20A
  • Single Phase Fuses: 2 x 13A
  • Single Phase Means of Connection: 2 x 3-Pin Plugs
Tansun Sunbeds Analogue Hour Counter

Analogue Hour Counter

Tansun Sapphire Sunbed Floor

Easy to Maintain

Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic Control Panel

Control Panel

Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic Fully Closable Door

Fully Closable Door with No Gaps

Tansun 2m Sapphire Domestic on/off Cooling Fans

On/off Cooling Fans

  • Modern Design
  • Standard Colour: Black

For details about this product download the data sheet